Perform an automated series of effective tests to identify, exploit and verify a subdomain takeover vulnerability.
Scan multiple hosts concurrently with our multi-threaded scanners.
Our integrated <span className='text-indigo-600'>Validator Engine</span> drops false-positive rates to 0%.
Our fingerprints list supports over 50+ third-party technologies and services, including GitHub, Azure, AWS, etc.
Receive detailed reports with actionable steps. Even for edge-cases requiring multiple steps from the end-user.
Receive instant notifications once an open redirect vulnerability is discovered. Regardless of the scans' progress status.
What technologies are supported?
CNAME X detects subdomain takeover vulnerabilities across more than 50 different technologies and platforms.
What is meant with false-positive free?
CNAME X is developed to analyze DNS records of your target and check the server's HTTP response ensuring it provides an almost false positive and false negative free experience.
Can I scan multiple hosts at the same time?
Yes, you can manually supply multiple hosts at the same time.
Additionally, you can also initiate a Deep Scan and automate the whole process from content discovery to scanning for CWE-16!