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Take back your time as a pentester with BLACKBIRD

Conduct automated security pentests and take back your valuable time while finding more vulnerabilities faster!

7-Day Free Trial
Cloud-Based Web App Pentesting Suite
Advanced Tooling and Payload Sets
Deep Scan Results
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Built By The Same Bug Bounty Hunters & Web App Pentesters That Helped Secure 100s of Companies

We've Already Helped Pentesters Unlock Their Full Potential Through Powerful Automation

"I am using novasec for recon and I am very happy with it, it is easy to use, plus it has some very interesting tools that I have not seen elsewhere, highly recommended."

@thedaniuxx, Penetration Tester & Part-Time Bug Bounty Hunter

Finds Substantially More Than Other Tools

Clear Proof of Concepts

Advanced Methodologies & Payload Sets

Leverage The Latest Tricks & Attack Techniques

Take Advantage of Undisclosed Methodologies From The Ever-Evolving & Highly-Competitive Bug Bounty World Without Any Extra Efforts

Embedded Browser

Our Tools Make Use of an Embedded Web Browser for Client-Side Attacks

Novel Attack Techniques & Payload Sets

Novel Techniques & Advanced Payload Sets (Containing Bypasses for Popular WAFs)

Closed-Sourced Golang Tools

Unique Tools Written in Golang Following Undisclosed Methodologies

These tools were developed based on our undisclosed methodologies that my team and I have crafted throughout our years as (full-time) bug bounty hunters & web app pentesters. Several internal benchmarking tests proved that our tools scored better results than any other paid solution or open-source project (you can reproduce these tests as well).
That's why I simply love to work with my team every single day because not only are they dedicated to providing the best solutions on the market, but they also go above and beyond to keep them the best.

Ayoub, Web App Pentester, Former Full-Time Bug Bounty Hunter & Founder

Try Out the Pentesting Suite

You receive a 7-day free trial as we want to make sure that you first find value in your new web app pentesting suite.

This is How You Can Take on MORE Clients Each Month

Small Team? Or Working as an Individual Penetration Tester?

Here's How We Can Help You:

Automated Tooling

Get Access to Advanced Automated Cloud-Based Tools

Find Vulnerabilities & Save Time

Automate a Huge Part of Your Work and Find Substantially More Vulnerabilities With No Extra Effort Using Your Web App Pentesting Suite

Take on more clients

Because You Saved Valuable Time, You Can Take on MORE Clients and Increase Your Pentesting Agency's MRR

Try Out the Pentesting Suite

Much More Than Just Tools

We provide a complete web app pentesting suite and these are not just tools that we quickly developed, all of them are developed based on our experiences with pentesting web apps throughout the years and include advanced techniques and payload sets with bypasses for several popular WAFs. However, many seem to believe they can replicate or get the same value by just using the already available open-source projects, therefore, they usually do not get the desired results (they miss out on several security vulnerabilities) and not to mention that they also spend too much time in parsing and analyzing different tooling outputs, which often results in unnecessary time-waste in each pentesting engagement.

Ayoub, Web App Pentester, Former Full-Time Bug Bounty Hunter & Founder

Try a Quick Demo

Mention it, We've Tried it

We've Tried Using Several Other Tools During our Client's Engagements

None of Them Were Able to Produce Results Like Ours. Here Are 3 Reasons Why:

Dated Techniques

Most Solutions Still Fully Rely on Dated Techniques. Ours Do Not

Not Designed for Penetration Testers

Several Tools are Simply not Designed for Pentesters or in Your Favor as They Make You Spend Too Much Time on Simple Tasks. Ours Are Designed by and For Pentesters

Complex Usage & Output Handling

Having to Install and Handle All The Different Outputs of Several Tools Can Be a Time-Consuming Task

Almost all of our tools are developed in-house, that's what we believe makes us unique and separates us from the other solution providers running mediocre or open-source security tools in the background while charging high fees. And that allowed us to set up our pentesting suite in a way that it all connects together.

Matt, Lead Developer

Try Out the Pentesting Suite

Try out our pentesting suite at your own pace. We believe you should only use tools that you genuinely enjoy working with to get the most out of it.

12+ Ways to Help You Find More Vulnerabilities

This is How You Find Security Vulnerabilities That Your Competitor Misses to Spot

Vulnerability Scanner

Deep Scans allow you to easily scan for web security vulnerabilities on your client's assets

Simple Recon System

Automate your entire reconnaissance phase, enumerate subdomains, filter and fingerprint live hosts and also screenshot them

CVE & Template-based Scanning

Deploy your custom templates and fly over your list of assets to mark potential findings using WAYPOINTS

Out-of-Band & Callback Server

Your private out-of-band and blind-XSS server make testing for vulnerabilities such as SSRF as easy as it can get.

All-in-One Content Discovery Tool

Performing proper content discovery can result in finding more high-severity security vulnerabilities. This tool even does targeted bruteforcing!

Scheduled & Recurring Scans

Got recurring client engagements? Or an upcoming one that you want to plan in advance? We got you!


REST API access is included. Lots of our clients love that they can easily parse data in JSON from the available REST API.


PDF Exports

The moment your scan finishes, you can request a PDF export with all your results to be sent to your email inbox.

Instant Notifications

You can enable the option to receive notifications on new vulnerabilities on Slack, Discord, Telegram or via email

Quick Retests

Retests are helpful for recurring clients to quickly check if already reported vulnerabilities are patched effectively

Domain & JavaScript Monitoring

One of the best additions in case you have recurring clients and want to get an overview of what has changed since last time

Continuous Platform Updates

We keep adding new payloads, and new vulnerabilities. We keep improving every day. It's hard to miss out on new attack techniques while using our platform

Other Capabilities:

Internal Vulnerability Scanning Support (via VPN Profiles)

Targeted Bruteforcing Based on Technologies (to Find More Links & Files During Content Discovery)

DNS Bruteforcing (to Discover More Hidden Subdomains and Assets)

Highlighting of Client-Side Processed Query Parameters (to Simplify DOM-Based Vulnerabilities)

Screenshots and Grouping of Live Hosts (to Help You Easily Assess Your Attack Surface)

Out-of-Band Server With Payloads (for XSS, XXE, RFI, ... Vulnerabilities)

Blind-XSS Callback Server (With a 4-Character Domain for Advanced WAF Bypasses)

Send URLs Directly From Your Favorite Proxy Interceptor (such as BurpSuite) To Be Scanned For Vulnerabilities

Try Out the Pentesting Suite

Our Expertise Visualized

We Know our Playground, Here's Why You Should Try Our Platform

And Why Our Customers Love our Platform


Our team consists of (former) full-time bug bounty hunters and web app pentesters responsible for finding vulnerabilities in 100s of companies

Designed for Pentesters

We are experienced web app pentesters, we know what matters the most to you, and we know how to help you

Easy-to-Use Cloud-Based Tools

There is no need to install & handle all the different outputs of several tools, we visualize it in a simple UI. You always get the option to export it.

Having development experience and jumping into web security gave my team and me additional insights as to how the development side usually is done and where security issues are often created. This allowed us to build our methodologies that are still responsible for finding security vulnerabilities today. We also develop all our tooling in-house which removes any technical limits that would've prevented us from integrating our methodologies in the tooling we provide.

Matt, Lead Developer

My team and I are former bug bounty hunters & web app pentesters. I personally have been developing and securing web applications for over 5 years now. The best part of all of it was that I got to work with several companies and government agencies in different industries (some that you may have used or worked with before)!

Ayoub, Technical Founder

Try Out the Pentesting Suite

Impress Your Clients With Your Findings

Our Undisclosed Methodologies Are All Automated to Help You Find More Vulnerabilities

Here's Why Our Platform Finds You Substantially More:

Targeted Bruteforcing

Our Content Discovery Scanner is Capable of Performing Targeted Bruteforcing Based on Fingerprinted Technologies

Client-Side Parameter Processing Detection

Our Content Discovery Tool is Capable of Detecting Parameters Processed by the DOM (to Help You Find More DOM-Based Vulnerabilities)

Embedded Browser

Our tools Make Use of an Embedded Web Browser for Client-Side Attacks

Custom Scan Templates

Create Custom Templates to Run Against Your List of Targets and Flag Findings Using Our Visual Template Builder

Screenshots of Live Hosts

Screenshot Enumerated Live Hosts, Fly Over Them and Quickly Spot Interesting Assets

Intuitive Dashboard

You're Always Only a Click or Two Away From Reaching Your Favorite Tool

Try Out the Pentesting Suite

The #1 Web App Pentesting Platform in The US

Our Customers Love our Platform!

And We Want You to Try it out Too!

You can try out our demo right now but ultimately, it is your choice to decide to get a license. But at the same time, not giving our platform a shot may mean that you miss out on taking on a few more clients.

It was super hard to find you, and it would mean the world to us to have you as a customer.

Finds Substantially More Than Other Tools

Clear Proof of Concepts

Advanced Methodologies & Payload Sets

Try Out the Pentesting Suite